Self Care for Coaches and Reiki Practitioners

If you are an empath, a Reiki practitioner, psychic, or spiritual coach, it is so important to give yourself the same care and energy you give others. Working with clients, living your day-to-day life, and managing your home or family life might give you purpose, but it is still so important to make sure you are also taking care of yourself!

As much as you give to others, you also need to make sure you also give to yourself. So here are 10 of my favorite "self care for coaches" tips to help you maintain your energetic health and hygiene.

1. Meditation Practices: Get used to being in the quiet. Meditate for at least five minutes a day. I love doing this with Reiki and I have several different meditations in my book! Increasing your mindfulness practices will help you return to your center. 

2. Movement: Make some time to get your body moving. This could mean that you take a quick walk, do a few yoga poses, or exercise. Along with grounding you, external movement will help internal movement within your subtle energy system.

3. Energy Work: This is my favorite! Regular Reiki sessions always help to rebalance and re-energize. Reiki always goes where it needs to go for your Highest Good. It speeds up healing time, promotes calm, and clears negativity from your energy field.

4. Setting Boundaries: We set boundaries with our voice, actions, and energy. The best thing we can do is strike a balance between all three. Practice setting boundaries with all aspects of life (family, friendships, work). In addition to building your confidence, it will save you from unnecessary  resentment and anger.

5. Body Basics: Make sure to eat well and sleep well. Our bodies can handle a lot more when we are properly nourished and well-rested. Aim to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day.

6. Do things you love: Whatever it is that you love to do, remember to do those things! They will bring you joy and raise your energy. This includes spending time with people you love and cherish.

7. Pause: Sometimes we just need a break. If you feel like you're getting irritable, exhausted, or unmotivated, sometimes taking a break (or even a mental health day!) can help tremendously. You can always continue when you're ready!

8. Get outside: Nature is a miracle. Being one with nature can help you clear your mind, notice the beauty around you, and feel at peace. Sunshine gives you energy, the wind fills your body with fresh air, water is cleansing, and feeling the earth beneath you can help with grounding.

9. Journal: Journaling is a great way to reconnect with yourself. It is the perfect outlet to release any thoughts or feelings that you may be holding onto. Get all of your emotions onto the paper and out of your body!

10. Ask for Help: Sometimes, it is important to acknowledge that we can't always do things alone. Call a friend, a family member, or a professional counselor to help you if you're really struggling. Receiving Reiki sessions from experienced Reiki practitioners or spiritual coaching sessions can help you rebuild your confidence, feel at peace, and rebalance your energy in a gentle, holistic, supplemental way. 

So, there you have it- my 10 favorite tips to recharge my energy and fill my "self-care" cup as a spiritual practitioner! For more ways to balance and strengthen your energy, read my #1 best-selling book, Your Sacred Journey: The Ultimate Guidebook to Align Your Mind, Body, & Spirit! 


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