A Healing Ritual: Chicory Can Help You Heal from a Lost Love

Love is a beautiful thing. Until it's not. Am I right? There are always two kinds of love. Sweet and bittersweet. A love that heals and a love that hurts. A love that gives and a love that takes. A love that makes you feel like you're on top of the world and a love that makes you want to crawl into the earth and hide. Sometimes for days, weeks or years.

We've all been there. It is a huge part of the human experience to experience love and to lose love. To be loved and to love. From the moment we take our first breath, we are surrounded by the opportunity to receive love. We continue to move through life, craving love, craving connection, and feeling safe and at home when surrounded by those we love.

So what happens when we love someone who doesn't love us back? What happens when we love someone so much but they don't love us in the same way? What happens when the one we loved got away? What happens when our loved ones leave this Earth and our human-bound connection is cut?

The energetic connection is still there. It was formed the moment you met. You can learn about etheric cords in my #1 best-selling book, Your Sacred Journey: The Ultimate Guidebook to Align Your Mind, Body, & Spirit, but let's talk about the love connection a bit here.

Energetically, you establish energetic cords with the people you love, regardless of how they feel about you. Ultimately, we want the energetic connection to be reciprocal, flowing both ways, just like a healthy relationship. When the energy is not reciprocal, that's when things get sticky. Icky.

When you have an energetic cord that is constantly giving away energy (in this case, love) without being replenished from the other side, you can become easily depleted. If and when the relationship ends, the person walks away, or is no longer in your life, the cord doesn't automatically die (so, if you haven't cut cords, get to work!).

I remember when a past love came up recently for healing. The month prior, a little flower made its presence known each time I was driving to and from work. Chicory. The beautiful, little, periwinkle blue flower on the side of the road.

I knew there was a message there. My intuition told me, but as a busy woman with a full-time career, a spiritual business, and a family, I forgot about it as soon as I got to my destination. It took almost a month of the message repeating that I finally sat and connected to Spirit.

I knew there was a connection between chicory and healing from a lost love. So, one day, I plucked one from the side of the road, not realizing that I intuitively had to pick it that day for a reason. I only realized it later, once the love imprint came up for healing, and boy, did it come up. I held the little flower to my chest, and gave myself Reiki (along with the cellular memory technique I teach to heal the energetic memories that are stored in the body) to heal deeply and completely. 

So, here is a quick healing ritual to help you move past lost love.

1. Identify one person who still remains in your heart. A person that your heart still holds dear.

2. Grab a piece of chicory and hold it to your heart. 

3. Picture this person and send them love and thanks for playing a huge role in your life. 

4. Allow the healing properties of chicory to seep into your energy, your aura, and your cells. Cry if you need to cry. Laugh if you need to laugh. Breathe if you need to breathe.

5. Once you feel complete (you'll know, because you won't feel those raw emotions as deeply), put the chicory in a special place, or bury it in the ground, as you set the intention to cut the energetic tie between you and that person in that moment.

6. Take a nice deep breath and place your hands on your heart, giving yourself all the love you also gave that specific person.

Chicory's properties make it a perfect choice to heal from a long, lost love connection. Once you complete the steps, you may feel lighter, more peaceful, and better able to move forward with openness and receptivity in your heart. 

Happy healing!


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