My Healing Journey through the Major Arcana

As I was writing an article for a magazine I will be featured in 2024, I got the most brilliant idea. To write a quick blog about my healing journey and how each part of my healing journey relates to the major arcana in tarot! When my intuition calls, I listen!

So, let's begin....

I entered the world a first-time Fool. A baby. Ready (or not!) for my life to bloom and unfold. Thrown into this lifetime, to learn and grow. Raw, naive, bright blue-eyed, and ready to travel through the major arcana of my life.

As a child, I bounced back and forth between loving the order and structure brought by the Emperor and bathing in the abundance of creative, feminine energy of the Empress. I would organize my dolls and stuffed animals, in size-order no less, along my wall. Each toy had its perfect place. I was also a rule follower – a color-in-the-lines type of kid. But I was also in love with creating. I played outside, colored, wrote children’s books, and adored arts and crafts (any other Lisa Frank fans?!).

As a tweenager (who grew up Catholic), I had a secret witchy metal trunk in my room (only two of my other Catholic but also witchy friends knew about my trunk because we would use it together). It was full of spell books, tarot cards, candles, and incense. I was learning how to manifest like the Magician and hone in on my own intuitive gifts like the High Priestess. I started learning tarot to establish a connection to my inner wisdom. 

The teenage years were tough for me, as I’m sure they are for so many. You're in that awkward stage when you're trying to come into your own but you're still so dependent on gaining approval and validation from others. I struggled with having a head full of limiting beliefs, toxic thoughts, toxic relationships, and self-sabotaging behaviors. The Hermit in me didn’t want to share my struggles with anyone. I tried my best to heal and work through things on my own. Well, after 10 years of trying, failing, and remaining chained to the Devil and unhealthy habits, I experienced my Tower moment and hit an all-time low. 

Like the Hanged Man, I needed my existence - my entire way of being – to be flipped upside down in order to see things from a new perspective. Temperance came with Reiki. Reiki brought me back into balance and helped me heal 100% from my 10-year eating and anxiety disorder. It was the moment of enlightenment in Death that brought a new, brighter beginning. 

I began to heal my shadows in the light of the Moon, seek fairness and Justice within myself, and continue to push forward, just like the Chariot, into my sacred journey of healing. In uncovering old wounds, healing my inner child and my shadow self, I found my inner Strength. I built up stamina, celebrated each and every instance of progress, and felt the joy of the Sun.

I continued my journey, listened to the calling of Judgement, and transformed myself and my life. After embarking on my own spiritual journey and completing all of my Reiki certification classes, I decided to embody the energy of the Hierophant and become a spiritual teacher, offering a variety of online spiritual coaching programs and healing sessions.

I took a ride on the Wheel of Fortune in 2023 and wrote my #1 best-selling spiritual guidebook, “Your Sacred Journey: The Ultimate Guidebook to Align Your Mind, Body, & Spirit,” to help people use simple, spiritual tools at home to find calm in the chaos of life. It is a book I wished I had when I first started my sacred journey into holistic care, spiritual development, and intuitive energy healing. I love simple and straightforward, so that's exactly how I wrote it. I think it really helps people dive in to spiritual self-healing without becoming too overwhelmed. If you know anything about energy, overwhelm is not your friend!

Just like the Star (the card that most represents me in this lifetime), I always call on my intuition to guide me towards the light, towards hope, and towards divine completion as I share my authentic, psychic, and intuitive gifts with the World

Life is a life-long journey. The year 2024 will be a big year for me, as I will be rolling out Spiritual Activation Academy, a 12-week program to ignite your power, activate your intuition, and expand your energy. I will also continue to offer online Reiki certification classes (ranging from the beginner, Reiki Level I course through the Reiki Master Level and Karuna Reiki® levels), Sacred Intuitive Tarot classes, and Akashic Records classes to help people expand their intuitive gifts and help spiritual business owners expand their offerings. 

I’ll be ready to step out as the Fool again, as a new journey unfolds in 2024! 

Happy New Year! I hope 2024 will be your best year yet!


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