How to Develop Your 8 Psychic Senses

We've all heard about psychic abilities. Psychic senses. Spidey senses. Clair senses. Different terms, same meaning.

Believe it or not, if you're a human, you are born with the ability to tap into your psychic senses. Some of us have an easier time connecting with them from an early age (I was always one of those!) but we can all learn to develop at minimum, one psychic sense! And, once you develop that one psychic sense, you'll be amazed at how the other ones start to develop as well!

Although I write about five different types of clair senses in my book, Your Sacred Journey: The Ultimate Guidebook to Align Your Mind, Body, & Spirit, and give you some ideas to aid in the development of them, here is a simple breakdown on the top 8 psychic senses we have and my divine download experiences with them:

  1.  Clairvoyance

  2.  Clairsentience

  3.  Clairaudience

  4.  Claircognizance

  5.  Clairalience

  6.  Clairtangency

  7.  Clairempathy

  8.  Clairgustance

Now, let's dive in to learn about each one. 


Clairvoyance is your ability to "see" things with your mind's eye (third eye). You might be drawn to things in your line of sight, visualize easily, have vivid dreams, or see angel numbers and signs! When I am tapped into this sense during distance and in-person Reiki sessions, I can see Spirit, angels, deceased loved ones, flashbacks of memories, static pictures, and silhouettes. Third eye chakra healing works wonders when trying to develop this psychic sense! 

Divine Download: During one distance Reiki session for a young toddler, I saw the Lochness Monster floating in a lake. After sharing my notes with his mother, I found out that they had visited the lake Loch Neagh, which coincidentally, sounds like "Lochness!" 


Clairsentience is your ability to physically "sense" things in your body. You might feel changes in temperature (chills, heat, cold), get goosebumps, butterflies in your heart or stomach, or tightness or constriction in a body part! When I am tapped into this sense, I can feel exactly where my clients are experiencing blockages or sensations in their own body, as I feel them in my own! Root & solar plexus chakra healing is important to develop this psychic sense.

Divine Download: During one distance Reiki session, I felt so cold as I accessed a blockage in my client's sacral chakra. I didn't know this at the time, but my client had dealt with significant sexual abuse as a child. After completing the cellular memory technique (that I teach in my Reiki Master Certification Class), it was filled with warmth and positive energy. My client told me a few days later that he was finally able to move past the grief, anger, sadness, and shame that affected him for so long.


Clairaudience is your ability to psychically "hear" signs from Spirit. You might be drawn to music, hear whispers, buzzing, ringing, or scratching sounds. This is especially the case when you are hearing things that no one else around you is hearing! When I am tapped into this sense, I can hear words, phrases, and messages from Spirit, angels, and deceased loved ones. It is one of my favorite ones, because I can relay the exact messages that my clients' Spirit team want them to hear! Ear chakra healing is wonderful to spark this psychic sense.

Divine Download: My grandfather used to whistle in a very specific way. After his passing, I began to see birds landing near me, or visiting my window as they sang the exact notes he used to whistle!


Claircognizance is your ability to just "know" something. You might feel it in your bones, gut, or heart, even if you cannot articulate or defend why you feel that way. When I am tapped into this sense, I get divine downloads that are so clear that there is literally no other way to interpret it. These intuitive messages always resonate so deeply with my clients. Crown chakra healing is important to develop this psychic sense.

Divine Download: I was driving to work on Good Friday, in rush hour traffic, when a car sped by me a few years ago. I just knew, in my bones, that something was not right and that I should stay back. A few moments later, another car sped by. I kept my distance and realized that the drivers of the two cars were locked in a road rage battle. It turned out they both stopped short in the middle lane of a busy parkway, in the exact moment that I got the message to speed up and move over to the shoulder. In that moment, I looked in my left mirror and saw that a car JUST missed hitting mine! 


Clairalience is your ability to "smell" signs from Spirit. This one came to me later on in my spiritual awakening journey! With this sense, you might smell things (e.g., flowers, perfume, smoke, etc.,) that no one else around you can smell. When I am tapped into this sense, I receive information, typically from deceased loved ones (but not always-- keep reading!), who want to let my client know that they are with them. It's always an interesting thing to experience and I'm always surprised by it. To develop this skill, work on balancing the third eye chakra.

Divine Download: I will always remember one distance session, where I kept smelling the scent of "new shoes." After I sent my distance Reiki notes to my client, she told me that she was literally trying on new shoes during the session! 


Clairtangency is your ability to gain spiritual insights from objects that you touch. With this sense, you might get premonitions, see flashbacks, or get a sense of the person who owned an item you are touching or holding. To develop this skill, work on balancing your hand and sacral chakras.

Divine Download: My client was wearing a ring and as I sent Reiki to her hands, I got a visual of her Aunt. She told me at the end of the session, that her Aunt had given her that ring before she passed away. 


Clairempathy is your ability to "feel the emotions" of others (in a present or future state), when they are no where near you! You can think of this sense as being an empath on a much stronger, clearer level. With this sense, you might feel emotions of family members or loved ones who are halfway across the world! To develop this skill, work on balancing the heart chakra.

Divine Download:  I was at work and felt an indescribable sense of dread. Fast forward a few hours, I found out a family member had been rushed to the hospital that morning. 


Clairgustance is your ability to "taste" signs from Spirit. Like clairalience, this one also came to me later on in my spiritual awakening journey. With this sense, you might taste things (e.g., spice, mint, foods, etc.,) when you are not eating anything. When I am tapped into this sense, I can taste things that my client's may need to consume or taste things that deceased loved ones used to eat. To develop this skill, work on balancing the throat chakra.

Divine Download: I was doing distance Reiki when I felt a male Spirit nearby. All of a sudden, I couldn't focus on anything but the taste of peppermints in my mouth. It was so overwhelming that I shared it with my client. She told me that her grandfather always had a peppermint in his mouth. It was him, the male Spirit, who came through as a reminder to her, that he is always with her.

So, there we have it! A list of the 8 psychic senses that we all have the ability to grow and cultivate! 

As a Reiki Master and spiritual coach, I love using Reiki, Akashic Records, and Spiritual Coaching Calls, to help people activate their intuitive and psychic skills. It is amazing to see my clients and students go from hopeful to powerful once their psychic senses start kicking in after working with me!

I'd love to hear which of these psychic senses you have and which you would like to develop further! Psychic Power Portal, my newest 6 week course, will be the perfect online course to activate and strengthen your 8 psychic senses!

Happy healing!


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