Akashic Records: What to Expect from an Akashic Records Reading

Timeless. Ever-changing. Fluid. The Akashic Records are an energetic database of Universal consciousness. An ethereal plane of energetic information that holds each and every timeline of the Universe. Past. Present. Future. 

The Akashic Records are an amazing, expansive realm of information that you can tap into at any moment, to find out information about your Soul’s purpose, Soul’s gifts, and Soul’s mission. Your Soul was reincarnated into this world to continue its journey and experience growth. Soul growth. 

Just as we heal and grow as humans, our Soul heals and grows as well. From one lifetime to another, our Soul takes on different forms, so it can learn different lessons. Each lifetime brings a new lesson. Sometimes, we carry the burden of learning the same lesson over a few lifetimes.

When our Soul re-enters the world, it agrees to certain terms. It decides to continue its growth journey to reach an enlightened state. What it could not accomplish in one lifetime, it sets out to do in another. However, our present consciousness does not allow for us to access that information. Most of us go through life never wondering about our Soul’s journey. While some people do not believe in reincarnation at all, there are other people who are aware that they are a part of something bigger. Something unseen. Something hugely transformative. A higher purpose. 

When you access the Akashic Records, you can retrieve energetically imprinted, high-vibrational, information from Soul-level consciousness. This means that you can access unlimited information about Soul’s journey. Have you ever wondered what your life purpose was? Why were you sent, with all of your talents and gifts, into this world? 

You can learn all of this and more by accessing and reading your Akashic Records or by receiving an akashic records reading. Here are some other things you can access.

  1. Your past lives: What roles did you fill in a past life? This could include family roles (e.g., mother, aunt, grandson) or professional roles (e.g., warrior, teacher, learner). This may give you clarity as to why you may attract certain roles and relationships in your current life.

  2. Your past memories: sometimes, the memories you cannot remember have the biggest impact on your wellbeing. Tapping into the Akashic Records allows you to remember and release memories that need to be uncovered to promote healing at the Soul level.

  3. Potential future outcomes: the future is never certain. However, the Akashic Records may offer insight into how your current choices could impact your future. If you’re stuck between two options, you can read your Akashic Records and get clarity as to which option might be the best option for you. 

  4. Relationship connections: every person we meet and connect with in this world plays a role in our Soul growth. Their presence is a catalyst for our actions and future karma. Some people may have played a repeating role in a past life, while others may have a specific purpose in this life. The Akashic Records can provide you with insight as to why certain people entered your life and the lesson they taught you.

  5. Personal karma: when you enter the Records, you interact with them and they interact with you. Because of this, you may become aware of self-limiting patterns and beliefs that hold you back from being in alignment with your Soul. By acknowledging your life lessons and amending the Records, you can take back your power and change the way you look at situations moving forward.

  6. Family karma: your ancestors on your mother’s side and your father’s side have dealt with unimaginable things. Even though they are no longer present in their physical bodies, the energetic imprint of their Soul lives on in yours. By accessing your Akashic Records, you can learn about ancestral patterns in your lineage that have a lasting impact in your current life. Amending your family karma can lead to an immense, healing experience. 

  7. Key-word lesson: everyone has at least one Soul lesson that they need to learn. Some examples may be, faith, gratitude, trust, self-love, power, and balance. It is the overriding theme of your life. It is the lesson that your Soul is meant to learn in this lifetime. If successfully completed, your Soul may carry that lesson into the next life, with different circumstances.

Anyone can learn to read their Akashic Records. I've created an online course to help you do just that! Once you learn to connect with your Akashic Records, you can learn about your life lessons, spiritual gifts, spiritual energies, ancestral patterns, and past life roles. In doing so, you connect soul-level consciousness with your present-level consciousness, and start the journey to healing. 

Accessing and reading your Akashic Records allows you to connect with your Soul’s essence in a way that propels you forward. It is an enlightening, unexpected experience that profoundly changes how you view yourself and your current world. By amending your Akashic Records, and gaining closure in the moments when you needed it most, you can move forward with genuine openness in your heart. 

The Akashic Records ever gently guide you to acknowledge and honor your own free will. They encourage you to see things from a higher perspective. The information you gain will illuminate a path for you, so that you can take aligned action to see your visions through. They will instill a confidence in you, to be your whole self, your authentic self, your Soul-self. In my experience, and most importantly, it allows you to dig deep, to the deepest part of your Soul, and see the beauty within you. Your inner beauty. Your Soul-level beauty. That, my friends, is a beautiful thing.


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