A Guide to the 9 Chakra System and Tips for Chakra Balancing

Chakras. Otherwise known as, wheels, vortexes and energy centers. If you haven't heard about them, it's time you learn! 

As an Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master, I know how important it is to keep your mind-body-spirit connection strong and healthy. We know that the mind and body are interconnected. We physically feel better when we are happier and free of negative thoughts. We know that in order to stay healthy, we need to take care of our mind and our body.

Little by little, we are beginning to understand that spiritual health is just as important. Spirit is just as important as the mind and body. In fact, the three are interconnected, which is why you may have seen the phrase, mind-body-spirit connection. Mind. Body. Spirit. Combined, aligned, and connected.

 It is such a delicate thing, to make sure that each component is strong and balanced. One easy way to start, is by balancing your chakras. Your chakras are subtle energy centers that take in and expel energy. There are seven primary chakras that lie within your body and two additional, spiritual chakras, that lie just above, and just below the other seven. 

When balanced, your chakras help keep your life-force energy strong and healthy. You'll know it, because you will feel it. You'll feel strong, healthy, happy, open-minded, confident, intuitive, centered, open to love, and able to speak your truth. When unbalanced, you might find that you become more irritable, depressed, anxious, sick, unfocused, or fatigued. If left unbalanced over time, your body becomes more susceptible to illness and/or physical ailments.

So, let's talk about keeping your energy vibrant and your 9 chakra system open and balanced! First, we'll start with Chakra 0, the Earth Star Chakra.

Chakra 0- Earth Star Chakra

Your Earth Star chakra lies about one foot below your feet, in the etheric body. It is not located in the physical body. It is connected with a very dark, brown-reddish color. This chakra directly connects you, and your primary chakras, with the Earth's energy below you, so you feel more anchored and grounded.

To balance this chakra, you can go outside in nature, forest bathe, or do a grounding meditation, in which you picture tree roots sprouting from your feet and burrowing deeply into the Earth's core. Get my FREE Grounding meditation (from my #1 best-selling book) here! Balancing this chakra may help rid the energetic body of negative energy and allow for the intake of positive energy into your system from Mother Earth.

Chakra 1- Root Chakra

Your Root chakra lies at the bottom of the spine and deals with the energy in your legs and feet. It is connected with the color red and impacts your ability to feel safe, grounded, and secure.

To balance this chakra, you can wear red crystals (red jasper), ground your energy, or diffuse cedar wood essential oil. Balancing this chakra may help you feel grounded, safe, present, and financially stable.

Chakra 2- Sacral Chakra

Your Sacral chakra lies below your navel and above your Root chakra. It deals with the energy in your womb and low back. It is connected with the color orange and impacts your ability to feel and release emotional energy, birth new ideas, and embrace your sensuality.

To balance this chakra, you can wear orange crystals (carnelian), sit near water, connect with your artistic side, or diffuse orange essential oil. Balancing this chakra may help you feel emotionally stable, passionate, and creative.

Chakra 3- Solar Plexus Chakra

Your Solar Plexus chakra lies above your navel and below your ribs. It deals with your digestive system and your mid-back. It is connected with the color yellow and impacts your ability to stay motivated, take action, and feel confident.

To balance this chakra, you can wear yellow crystals (citrine), exercise, or diffuse lemon essential oil. Balancing this chakra may help you feel confident, promote self-esteem, and meet your goals.

Chakra 4- Heart Chakra

Your Heart chakra lies within your chest. It deals with the energy in your chest, arms, and hands. It is connected with the color green and impacts your ability to accept and give love.

To balance this chakra, you can wear green crystals (green aventurine), journal, or diffuse rose essential oil. Balancing this chakra may help you practice forgiveness, increase self-love, and attract loving relationships.

Chakra 5- Throat Chakra

Your Throat chakra lies within your throat. It deals with the energy in your ears, mouth, throat, and neck. It is connected with the color blue and impacts your ability to listen and communicate.

To balance this chakra, you can wear blue crystals (aquamarine), sing, listen to music, or diffuse eucalyptus essential oil. Balancing this chakra may help you communicate in healthy ways and speak your truth.

Chakra 6- Third Eye Chakra

Your Third Eye chakra lies in the middle of your forehead, in between your eyebrows. It deals with the energy in your nose, sinuses, and eyes. It is connected with the color indigo and impacts your intuitive abilities.

To balance this chakra, you can wear dark purple crystals (amethyst), meditate, or diffuse lavender essential oil. Balancing this chakra may help you improve your sleep, increase focus, and trust your intuition.

Chakra 7- Crown Chakra

Your Crown chakra lies at the top, or crown, of your head. It deals with the energy in your head, brain, and all of your other chakras. It is connected with the color violet (or white) and connects you to spirituality.

To balance this chakra, you can carry white crystals (angel aura quartz), pray, or diffuse frankincense essential oil. Balancing this chakra may help you feel connected to Spirit, enlightened, and peaceful.

Chakra 8- Soul Star Chakra

Your Soul Star chakra lies about one foot above your crown. It is not located in the physical body. It is connected with the color white. Your Soul Star chakra directly connects you to your higher self and higher consciousness. 

To balance this chakra, you can use a Vogel crystal, access the Akashic Records, or connect with your higher self through meditation or energy healing modalities. Balancing this chakra may help you strengthen your connection to your higher self and your divine light.

Hopefully these tips will help you start to align and balance your chakra system! For more information on how to develop mind-body-spirit balance, get my #1 best-selling guidebook, YOUR SACRED JOURNEY: THE ULTIMATE GUIDEBOOK TO ALIGN YOUR MIND, BODY, & SPIRIT, or visit my website to book a distance Reiki session with me! 

Happy healing and chakra balancing !


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